martes, 5 de junio de 2007

Values of Colegio Colombo Britanico

At the school Colegio Colombo Britanico, that is located in cali, this is my study place. The school have several important values that the teachers and the directives try to put in the minds of the students. They try to put the values by teaching with a lot of respect to the students, the teacher put respect because thet try to recieve respect of the student but in some cases some students dont have the apropiete respect for them. The honesty is another fundamental valuus that they ytry tu put an example of this is when a student make a suspension fault and the bach office now but they tell the student if he do it and if he is honest they can make litter the suspension.They are more values that the comunity Colegio Colombo Britanico want to insert to the students.

My personal opinion about this values, is that with out them the comunity will not be the same. The importance of this values is that when you are in a situation when you are old you can remember this values becuase if you are honest and have respect your life can be easier.

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