martes, 29 de mayo de 2007

Icontec Rules

The icontec rules are some colombians rules that are specialment make for the (tesis) that is a required of colombian universities for the student get the diplome, here in our school we use them some of them are: 2 lines between each parragraph
- the magins Right: 2cm- Left: 4cm -Top: 3cm -Bottom: 3cm
-page numbering starts in introduction( should put the # page by the # of pages)
- The leter should be Arial 12
- the title should be in capital letters
1 page
-Title of the work
- lastname, name of the author ( should be at the center)
- School - Section - Department - City - Year
2 page
- title of the work
- type of the work
- teacher - department of teacher
-School - Section - Department - City - Year
Table of contents
- show page numbering
List of tables
- if you have tables in you work you should do this
- put the name of the table and the number of it
-you need to start the page numbering
-Make an extendedn introduction about the theme
-here is where you put the imformation about the diferent topic that you has choosen
- you can use as much as you want of imformation
-This have the same rules of the introduction
- here you need to answer to the title page
- cite well the bibliographys
- you need to put the resources of you imformation

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