martes, 22 de mayo de 2007

Ozon Layer

The ozone layer in the last years have lost dramatic ozone in the stratosphere, the investigators saw that in antartica are several lights that in the last 10 years they have not see. The drop of ozone in the stratosphere is huge, scientis think that if U.S dont stop the masive contamination in several years the tempeature will be higher in 2 grades, you think that this is not much ¡but it sis!! to an other problem is the levels of water in the sea that are improving 1 meter a cause the melt of the poles, this diferent problem hafe most causes that it seem because litle islands lika SAN ANDRES can be disapear cuase f the meter of waters. The investigations that has been found is that the ozon layer have a huge hole like the united states,

The is a campaing of the O.N.U is to have the ozone layer like a babie the sentence consists in ¡¡¡ what would happen if the face of you baby disapear!!! thay make this for the people have a concience of this problem.

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